Why Choose a Feed Mill

March 2nd, 2012

Feedstuffs blended from different raw materials and additives sum up to form compound feeds. The blends, however, are specifically formulated to suit particular animals. Feed mill compounders refer to the crumbles or simply pellets. Compounded feeds may comprise balanced diet nutrient-concentrates to provide for daily energy or protein rations. Other compounds may cater for extra micronutrients such as vitamins or minerals.
feed mill

Information from the American Feed Industry Association indicates that up to $20 billion worth of feed additives are bought annually. Products in question comprise beet pulps, orange rinds to grain blenders. Feed mill industry is one of the competitive business undertakings in the agriculture sector and, by far the biggest client of US corn, soybean meal, and feed grains. Farmers who own feed mills on their farms are able to compete with large enterprise conglomerates.

So you feel like having your own pellets? If you are, then one crucial factor to consider is the kind of feed mill you intend to purchase. In today’s marketplace, there are numerous products with variants in brand, size and models. It thus calls for wisdom before you resort to purchasing one. Ensure that you fully understand every single aspect of the mill-vis avis your needs.

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