It is all about wood fuel

May 16th, 2012

wood fuel Since fuel is any substance that stores energy, wood fuel similarly can be described as energy obtained from wood. It is also called biofuel since it is derived from many different plant and plant derivatives that can replenish easily. Wood fuel is known to be the oldest source of energy right from the early ages and its discovery marked a milestone in the development and advancement of the human being. It is mostly available and easy to use such that it still serves as primary source of energy in many parts of the world. Its usage is varied such that the energy produced can be used mainly for cooking and heating. The energy can also be used to produce steam that can run big mechanical engines and turbines. The wood used can be in different forms. They include wood chips, charcoal, wood pellets, sawdust among others that can be used in stoves, boilers and kilns.

Despite the fact that wood fuel is highly used globally, there are arguments that it has negative effect on the environment due to the release of excessive carbodioxide gas into the air. This is true to some extent but its effect is not as destructive as other carbon derivative fuels like propane.

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